Learn To Say NO to Yourself and To Others.

Learn To Say NO To Yourself And To Others


You are endowed with an inborn impulse to respond to your environment as a form of protection and as a guide to your responses in certain situations. However, you may find it difficult to say NO because you want to avoid conflict at all cost or because you feel the need to be accepted by others at all cost. You may be a people pleaser, you may fear being judged as rude or you just may find it difficult to own your feelings, desires and needs. 

This course will help you determine when, why and how to say NO first to yourself and then to others. This will help you conserve energy and resources,  prioritize what is truly important, maintain your self respect and dignity, avoid burnouts, avoid stress and maintain your general well-being.

4.5 out of 5

2 user ratings

Sep 1, 2024 @ 10:54 am
Insightful Course.
Its helps self discipline, boundaries, etc. Very good course.
Aug 31, 2024 @ 4:59 pm
Very informative course
I learned a lot.

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